Intent and the power of words are the first steps toward manifestation...
But in this process, commitment and clarity are paramount. Trust becomes the test of time—if results were immediate, we’d be robbed of the chance to build resilience, practice patience, and strengthen our faith in God. Manifestation is not just about reaching an outcome; it’s about the growth and lessons gained along the way.
Let’s put this into perspective with a parable:
The Captain and the Crew of a Submarine
Your mind is a submarine. The captain above deck is your conscious mind, making decisions and steering the course. Below deck, the crew represents your subconscious mind—and here’s the key: the crew doesn’t question orders. They don’t analyze whether the captain’s commands will lead to success or disaster, to smooth sailing or a collision with an iceberg. They simply follow.
This teaches two critical lessons:
Be mindful of what you think and say to yourself. Your subconscious listens and executes without question. If your thoughts are self-defeating, the crew will take those orders and run with them. But if your thoughts are aligned with growth, purpose, and higher vibrational value, your subconscious will work toward elevating you.
Clarity determines direction. If you’re vague, uncertain, or indecisive, your subconscious—like a crew receiving mixed signals—won’t know where to go. Doubt leads to hesitation, and hesitation leads to nowhere. Affirmation and self-talk are real; the way you speak to yourself shapes your reality.
What you think matters. How clearly you think it matters even more. Your subconscious is always listening, always ready to act.
So, where your mind goes, everything will follow.

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