In the word "LIFE", the "F" stands for "Fate
Our destined path, our alignment with purpose. But what remains when you remove Fate? "LIE."
This is no coincidence. What stops us from fulfilling our potential and living in harmony with Fate is rooted in "the Lie"—the falsehoods we believe, the illusions we cling to, the fears that keep us stagnant.
When we choose truth, we step into alignment with our Fate. We find fulfillment, clarity, and the strength to walk our path with purpose. But when we choose the Lie—whether through self-deception, avoidance, or external pressures—we create misalignment. This is where stuckness, emptiness, and purposelessness take over.
So, be strong and courageous. Speak truth—to yourself and to others. Truth invites a better world, a world more in tune with purpose and destiny. It may not always be the easy path, but it is the only path that leads to true fulfillment.

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