The Reflective Path: Lost, Then Found

The pendulum swings left and right. You might be lost now, but soon enough, you’ll find yourself found. The same can be said the other way around. Don’t be disheartened—like a tree, autumn may leave you bare for a moment or two, but spring will come, and you’ll show your colors once again.

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The Wolf’s Den: Finding Home in Change

Sometimes things change, and it isn’t quitting—it’s letting go. No matter how much love and grief are involved, we owe it to ourselves and to whatever or whomever holds meaning in our lives—whether it's a person, an object, a memory, or even a dream. Change brings the new, and the new inevitably takes over for the old—unless the old can be incorporated into the new. If it can, welcome it. If it can’t, thank it. It has been a part of you, and it will always be, just in a different role, with a different meaning.

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Show Up, Break Resistance

No matter how you feel or what you are going through, just show up, and everything else will follow. We tend to think—myself included—that we need all the pieces in place before we’re "ready" to take action. But the truth is, simply by showing up and placing ourselves in the space we want to impact, the rest will follow. Because it is our own resistance that holds us back—the voice that says we don’t deserve more, shouldn’t accept more, or can’t share more. That same resistance convinces us we aren’t capable of setting ourselves up for success.

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The Power of Release: Take It, Process It, Dish It Out

Life is full of experiences—some uplifting, some heavy, and some downright messy. But whatever comes our way, we can’t just take it all in and let it pile up inside us. Like a dishwasher, we need to process what we take in and then release what isn’t serving us. Holding onto the scraps, the filth, and the residue doesn’t do any good. It only clogs us up, making it harder to move forward.

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