“Stay getting lost”: Finding Yourself Beyond the World's Expectations
The pendulum swings left and right. You might be lost now, but soon enough, you’ll find yourself found. The same can be said the other way around. Don’t be disheartened—like a tree, autumn may leave you bare for a moment or two, but spring will come, and you’ll show your colors once again.
"Not all who wander are lost."
In today’s world, being real and true often means embarking on a "lost quest" to discover oneself. To be lost out there, leads you to be found within. In a constantly changing world, a pillar like this stands as a beacon, like a lighthouse guiding you to your destination in night.
It is uncomfortable to wander and wonder. With so many unknowns surrounding you, and floating within you it can feel overwhelming. But there will come a day when you’ll look back with appreciation for what once was, and now no longer—the journey, the transformation, the evolution.
When you experience both ends of the pendulum, you learn to long for more. You learn to trust that what you seek will come and to appreciate it when it does, knowing it’s only temporary.
So don’t worry about being lost or found—that’s inevitable. Accept it and embrace it. Both states are temporary. The beauty lies in the opportunity to gather new insights about yourself, the world, and the process. That knowledge is priceless, ageless.
So, be comfortable getting lost. It’s your cue to step out and experience something new—your potential.

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