It All Begins and Ends with Simple TEA

Published on 2 March 2025 at 09:00

There is TEA in FATE—and the F stands for life. The only thing separating you from the life you are meant to live is a lie.

  • The lie that you were never enough.
  • The lie that you could never be worthy.
  • The lie that made you stray from what could have been, what should have been, if only the circumstances had been different.                                                                                           


These lies trap you in a state of misalignment—a sense of stuckness in the human experience. To align with fate, you must reject these falsehoods and embrace truth, self-acceptance, and gratitude. Be graceful with yourself, no matter how complicated the journey appears—it is not as impossible as it seems.

So, where does TEA come into play?

Because what better time and place for reflection and self-work than over a hot cup of tea? It begins there—with a moment of intention before the journey. And it ends there—with a moment of reflection on what the journey became.

Our story is like a tea bag in hot water—how we handle moments of struggle, how we react when we’re in a hot mess, and how we impact the world around us.

Two things are certain:

  1. The core of the tea bag remains, no matter how hot the water gets.
    • This represents our character and identity—tested, but still intact.
  2. The water absorbs the tea’s essence.
    • Just as tea influences its surroundings, our energy, words, and actions shape the environment and people around us. We either uplift others or bring them down—it all starts with us.

So, the question remains:

What kind of tea will you be?

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